Saturday 29 December 2012

What it is all about!

Hello :)

My first post is going to be on why I started this blog.

I have been called a lot of names in life,one that stood out clearly is wimp.
no,they were not being is the truth.
I am scared,scared of following my dreams,scared of speaking my mind and scared of everything in general.
This fear has stopped me from living my life to the fullest!
One aspect of this blog is doing what I really want to!

People say they know themselves very well,but I don't. Really.
I don't actually know who I am or what I want.
so here is to the discover of me,what I want and what I need to be happy. :D

I have never been able  to take big risks,never do anything new...not even order a different dish in the restaurant, how I expect to live an exciting life when I cant take risks is beyond me!

One of the other things ,is being proactive..making conscious decisions, approaches to make a difference and moving my rear to get what I want!
Also on a contrary, to believe in destiny,the higher power and that there is an awesome plan made out for me!

By reading the above,you must think I live a very sad life.
that's not it,I live a good live,okay an okay life.
not bad,just boring,monotonous and a bit unfulfilled.

So join me in this potpourri of blog,where everything from discovery of new make up to the discovery of soul from a hazy dream of the previous night to dreaming big on life and from learning to spell destiny to making ones own destiny,comes together to help make an exciting life!

So here is to a new year,a new way of life,new opportunities,a new world and a new you!